Friday, June 22, 2007

It's been a while

I know you are wondering about our anniversary/camping trip, so here goes. It rained. We woke up on Saturday morning to a wall of water falling from the sky! We decided that we would just go to Deception Pass, hike around and decide if we could really camp. I was being sooo brave.

So we packed up our Subaru and hit the road. For some reason we are awake at the crack of dawn on weekends, and we make it to the campsite 3 hours before check-in. Great! So we walked in the rain, we looked at the ocean, we watched people fishing on the dock. It continued to rain while we set up our camp.

Lola had her rain boots on and while trying to get up onto the picnic table, she slipped and hit her face. She cut the flap of skin that holds your lip to your gums. It was horrible. Her first injury and we are camping! I was way more upset than she was. She was off to eat dirt in no time.

Then it happened, the rain stopped and our trip was redeemed! I made spicy chicken, bananna royale dessert, we had s'mores... we ate until we were sick. When bedtime rolled around, Lola was ready to go. She stood by the car screaming, "DONE! Done! Hoooome!" She thought I was crazy when I told her we were sleeping in the tent. Thankfully, we had our DVD player. So, we snuggled by the fire and watched Charlotte's Web. Not only did Charlotte save Wilbur's life, she saved my sanity.
We were up at the crack and driving out of the park at 7:59 am. We were ready to go home. Good times. I can't wait until next year ;)


bjm said...

I just wanted to cringe at the picture of Lola's poor little lip! I'm glad the camping trip worked out in the end. Calvin used to freak out when he was little that bugs were trying to eat through the bottom of the tent and "get him". He would swear he heard them scratching at the end right under his ear! And I can't believe you're talking about waiting until next year. You've got Lola on the right track. Some more quick one-nighters and she'll be ready to go. One trick that worked with Calvin was taking him shopping for some of his own camping equipment. I think he had a small flashlight, a kid-sized lantern and he always looked forward to helping Dad make the campfire since I'm convinced that all boy had pyromaniac tendencies hardwired into their DNA. Please post some happy pictures of the trip too. Looking at her lip makes me think that there's no way to kiss that and make it better.

Anonymous said...

Poor little baby. It hurts my heart so much when Jones for reals gets hurt.

I glad that your family had such a good time. Last year when we went camping (just our family) it was so special and so bonding. I love times like those.

Oh and out of the blue yesterday Jones was talking about Lola. He said he missed her and that he wanted to go to her house. How sweet.

Anonymous said...

Hey cousin,

Jen, the kids, and I are just up the road in Bellingham. It would be a shame if we didn't get together at least once before one of us moves to another land. What do you say? Maybe we should camp together, go hiking, maybe build a children's home...we'll see what happens.